Bridge construction

Bridge construction is one of the most demanding tasks in the construction industry. In addition to prestressed concrete bridges, steel and composite bridges are also built. Bridges can also be classified according to their type of use, e.g: 

  • Pedestrian bridges
  • Road bridges
  • Canal bridges
  • Railway bridges
  • Pipe bridges

The structural analysis should provide complete, clear and verifiable proof of the structural safety and serviceability of all components and connections in accordance with the task.  The structural analysis is usually divided into two parts: the main verification and the simple verification. The main verification is used to check all components, including those in hard-to-reach places, and includes a manual check. The simple verification, on the other hand, is less extensive and is carried out three years after the main verification.

Calculation plots of a pedestrian bridge using a framework program

Eigenfrequenzanalyse einer Brücke
Eigenfrequenzanalyse einer Brücke

Bridge inspection

Bridge inspection is an important aspect of ensuring the safety and stability of bridge structures. A bridge inspection in accordance with DIN 1076 is intended to ensure stability and safe use by checking the actual condition of the bridge structure. The inspection must be carried out by an expert engineer who is able to assess the static and structural conditions of the structure. The variety of structures (type of construction, system, age, building material) requires the inspector to have specialist knowledge, flexibility and a sense of responsibility.

The purpose of the inspection is to ensure the stability and safe use of the bridge by checking the actual condition of the bridge structure. visual inspections are usually sufficient to provide an experienced bridge inspector with sufficient information. these ongoing inspections are intended to ensure the safety of the structures and to build up a collection of data on the condition of the bridges.

Our services

The SKI engineering company offers a wide range of bridge types, the following planning and consulting services:

  • Design and approval planning
  • Structural analysis of 2D and 3D truss models
  • Evaluation of construction and installation conditions (e.g. stock exchange)
  • Detailed evidence (e.g. abutment, grillage calculations)
  • Dynamic calculations (natural frequency analysis) 
  • Bridge inspections
  • Static checking for heavy load transportation 
  • Expertise on the stability

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SKI Ingenieurges. mbH
Mengendamm 12
30177 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 261847-0

Consulting Engineers

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