
Geschwindigkeitssensoren sind für die genaue Erfassung von Bewegung und Position unerlässlich. Je nach Anforderung und Messobjekt gibt es verschiedene Sensortypen. Einige gängige Verfahren sind

  • Confocal sensors: They measure the position or path of camera modules and surface coatings. They offer high accuracy and are versatile in use.
  • Light band sensors: Ideal for checking the height of cutting rollers or for tool positioning. They detect the position of build plates and wafer notches.
  • Tactile sensors: Perfect for stroke measurement in pressing or punching processes. They provide accurate data and are robust.
  • 2D profile sensors: They are suitable for the positioning of building panels and enable the measurement of surface profiles.
  • There are also simple speed sensors that measure the time interval between two sensor signals and calculate the speed from this. These sensors are connected to data loggers to record measurement data.

Consider the specific requirements of your application to select the most suitable sensor. If you have any questions, please contact a measurement technology specialist.

Die Geschwindigkeit kann auch indirekt über acceleration sensors erfasst werden. Dazu wird der Beschleunigungsverlauf über die Zeit integriert, um den Geschwindigkeitsverlauf zu erhalten. 

Piezoelectric acceleration sensors

In the piezoelectric principle, a piezoelectric material is fixed in a case. Inside the housing, two electrode surfaces face each other. If a force or an acceleration across the surfaces now acts on the housing, there is a charge shift. This displacement causes a voltage change in the electrode surfaces that can be recorded. By converting the signals so different sizes can be measured, such. Pressure, force or accelerations.


The schematic structure of a piezoelectric accelerometer is shown in the figure below. The sensor essentially consists of two components:

  • Piezoelectric material
  • Seismic mass

The seismic mass is coupled to the piezoelectric material that acts as a fixed abutment. If the upper mass is set into vibration, the inertia of the mass acts as a force on the disk. As the force after Newton is composed of mass times acceleration, the piezoelectric effect creates a charge which can be put into proportion. By this, the accelerations can be dissipated by the inertia of the mass and the force acting on the surfaces.

Schematic diagram of a piezoelectric accelerometer

The seismic mass is coupled to the piezoelectric material that acts as a fixed abutment. If the upper mass is set into vibration, the inertia of the mass acts as a force on the disk. As the force after Newton is composed of mass times acceleration, the piezoelectric effect creates a charge which can be put into proportion. By this, the accelerations can be dissipated by the inertia of the mass and the force acting on the surfaces.

Accelerometers with IEPE technology (Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric) is a standard for piezoelectric sensors with built-in impedance converter electronics. The technology ensures that the signal of the piezoelectric material is converted into a low-impedance voltage signal that can be transmitted over the cable lengths with low loss. The sensor is supplied by a simple coaxial cable, which allows the supply voltage and the sensor signal to be transmitted via one cable. Thus expensive low noise cables can be avoided. The sensors are operated with constant current, which is in the range of 2 to 20 mA. The interference sensitivity and the output impedance increase as the supply current decreases.

Triaxial acceleration sensor (left) with magnetic holder (mid)


Die SKI Ingenieurges. mbH bietet im Bereich der Messung von Velocity folgenden Leistungen:

  • Test accompanying and monitoring activities
  • Construction and calibration of numerical models for recalculation
  • Recalculation of test results in the static, dynamic and transient range
  • Evaluation and interpretation of measurement results, as well as comparison of numerically supported test methods
  • Erstellung von Messkonzeptes, -berichten und Gutachten

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SKI Ingenieurges. mbH
Mengendamm 12
30177 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 261847-0

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