German Bulk Solids Industry Association e.V.

The DSIV represents the interests of individuals and companies that deal with bulk solids in a variety of ways. This applies in particular to the production, storage, transport and processing of bulk materials. It serves and promotes the exchange of opinions and experience between members and provides information on all issues of technical interest.

The establishment of an association for the German bulk solids industry was long overdue. Over 1,000 companies in German-speaking countries are associated with the bulk solids processing industry. The spectrum ranges from system planners to suppliers of individual components for bulk solids processing. The field of the bulk solids processing industry is also broadly diversified. From the pharmaceutical industry to agriculture, from mining to the food industry and much more. It is estimated that around 60,000 employees in companies are directly involved with bulk materials. This includes the gritter driver in the winter road maintenance service of the road construction administration as well as the pharmaceutical technician in the pill production of pharmaceutical companies.

This also identifies the two areas that the association wishes to represent. On the one hand, the companies and, on the other, the individuals who deal with bulk materials. The association organises advantages for both. The companies find that the association safeguards and promotes their interests vis-à-vis institutions and the economy as a whole. They are given a platform for communication and the exchange of opinions and experiences. The qualification, information and further training of junior staff, specialists and managers is a primary concern of the association. Unfortunately, the large associations such as VDI, Dechema and VDMA have very limited programmes for the bulk solids industry, and here too more can be achieved together. © DSIV

As the industry continues to evolve, SKI Ingenieurges. mbH is also active in these working groups and is involved in the structural design of silos and silo groups active. This area of expertise essentially comprises planning activities in the design phase and the inspection of assembly conditions.


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SKI Ingenieurges. mbH
Mengendamm 12
30177 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 261847-0

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