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Expansion of wind energy in the North Sea and Baltic Sea by 2030

Expansion of wind energy in the North Sea and Baltic Sea by 2030 The German government wants to massively drive forward the expansion of wind energy in the North Sea and Baltic Sea by 2030. The master plan for the expansion of wind farms in the North and Baltic Seas has been published. More than 1,500 wind turbines are currently in operation in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea,



Internship Civil engineering students (TU/FH) specialising in structural engineering SKI Ingenieurges. mbH is looking for interns who enjoy constructive and innovative tasks. We can offer you a varied and interesting internship in Hanover. Students specialising in structural engineering in the higher semesters are preferred. This is an advantage but not a requirement. If

Poles for transmission lines

Development of overhead line pylons Overhead lines and their pylons are the arteries of the electrical power supply. The pylons are mainly made of wood, concrete or steel and can have a variety of designs. Steel lattice masts are generally used for the high and extra-high voltage grid (220kV and 380kV) to enable large heights and spans. The individual bars of these lattice-type pylons are predominantly made of

Corona measures

Current measures Due to the current corona measures, we can mainly be reached by email. In urgent cases, please contact: Thank you very much and stay healthy! We hope that the situation will improve in the coming months and that we can be there for you again without restrictions. See also:

Special circumstances

Special circumstances Due to the current situation, SKI Ingenieurges. mbH is also forced to break new ground. The health of our employees is our top priority. Due to our spatial situation and home office workplaces, we are able to maintain regular operations and be there for our customers. This


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SKI Ingenieurges. mbH
Mengendamm 12
30177 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 261847-0

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