Special circumstances

Special circumstances Due to the current situation, SKI Ingenieurges. mbH is also forced to break new ground. The health of our employees is our top priority. Due to our spatial situation and home office workplaces, we are able to maintain regular operations and be there for our customers. This

Appointment to Professor

Christian Keindorf was appointed Professor of Offshore Systems Engineering at Kiel UAS in 2015. At the Institute of Shipbuilding and Maritime Technology, he is responsible for development and research tasks in this specialised field. There is also a Bachelor's degree programme in "Offshore Systems Engineering", which is supervised by Prof. Keindorf, among others. In addition, he supports with his

Public appointment and swearing-in

Public appointment and swearing-in On 1 September 2015, the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers, represented by the President of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers, Dipl.-Ing. Kammeyer, publicly appointed and swore in Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Keindorf as an expert for supporting structures for onshore and offshore wind turbines. This is the first time that he has been appointed by a chamber of engineers for this specialism nationwide. A public appointment as an expert takes place when the special expertise

Commemorative publication

Commemorative publication to mark Peter Schaumann's 60th birthday In honour of Professor Peter Schaumann and his 60th birthday, the staff of the Institute of Steel Construction at Leibniz Universität Hannover have produced a commemorative publication. In addition to the current staff of the Institute and Professor Schaumann's previous doctoral students, many

Sandwich towers

Load-bearing behaviour and fatigue strength of sandwich towers for wind turbines New publication of the dissertation by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Keindorf on the topic of "Load-bearing behaviour and fatigue strength of sandwich towers for wind turbines" The output and size of wind turbines has continued to increase in recent years. This inevitably increases the demands on the tower structures, which were previously designed as tubular steel structures,


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30177 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 261847-0

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