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German Bulk Solids Industry Association e.V.

Deutscher Schüttgut-Industrie Verband e.V. The DSIV represents the interests of individuals and companies that deal with bulk solids in a variety of ways. This applies in particular to the production, storage, transport and processing of bulk solids. It serves and promotes the exchange of opinions and experience between members and provides information on all



Internship Civil engineering students (TU/FH) specialising in structural engineering SKI Ingenieurges. mbH is looking for interns who enjoy constructive and innovative tasks. We can offer you a varied and interesting internship in Hanover. Students specialising in structural engineering in the higher semesters are preferred. This is an advantage but not a requirement. If

Mast and antennas

Masts and antennas Nowadays, hardly any traditional transmission masts are erected, as the use of existing structures is generally sufficient for digital radio data transmission. For example, available areas on the tube towers or lattice masts of wind turbines are used for this purpose. Another possibility is to use wind turbines whose

Chimneys and stacks

Chimneys and stacks Tubular steel towers are used in the chemical industry with acidic or alkaline waste gases. In this case, either a coating on the structural steel prevents rapid corrosion or stainless steels are used as an alternative. The individual steel pipe sections are connected to each other via ring flange connections and fixed to the foundation using anchors. The design of the tubular steel sections

Earth quake simulation

Earthquake simulation In regions with high earthquake accelerations, earthquakes can become the decisive load effect. This has a major influence on the frame structure, particularly in the case of elevated structures such as silo and tank structures. To determine the earthquake load, the structure is divided into individual mass points and the acceleration due to the earthquake is applied. The acceleration is made up of

Appointment to Professor

Christian Keindorf was appointed Professor of Offshore Systems Engineering at Kiel UAS in 2015. At the Institute of Shipbuilding and Maritime Technology, he is responsible for development and research tasks in this specialised field. There is also a Bachelor's degree programme in "Offshore Systems Engineering", which is supervised by Prof. Keindorf, among others. In addition, he supports with his

Public appointment and swearing-in

Public appointment and swearing-in On 1 September 2015, the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers, represented by the President of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers, Dipl.-Ing. Kammeyer, publicly appointed and swore in Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Keindorf as an expert for supporting structures for onshore and offshore wind turbines. This is the first time that he has been appointed by a chamber of engineers for this specialism nationwide. A public appointment as an expert takes place when the special expertise

Commemorative publication

Commemorative publication to mark Peter Schaumann's 60th birthday In honour of Professor Peter Schaumann and his 60th birthday, the staff of the Institute of Steel Construction at Leibniz Universität Hannover have produced a commemorative publication. In addition to the current staff of the Institute and Professor Schaumann's previous doctoral students, many


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SKI Ingenieurges. mbH
Mengendamm 12
30177 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 261847-0

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